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Order now to beat the March price rise on Ilford film - last increase in December....!


Ilford PanF Film

Ilford PanF Film
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Film Format: 35mm, 36 exposureFilm Format: 35mm x 30.5m bulkFilm Format: 120 roll
Film Format:  

Price:  £9.00(Inc. 20% VAT)

Part Number:  1707768
Brand:  Ilford Photo

Ilford Photo

Ilford Pan F Plus Film at ISO 50 is the slowest of the Ilford films, but when image quality, fine detail and lack of grain are more important than film speed, Pan F Plus excels. Suitable for subjects ranging from architecture to still-life and portraiture to medical. Mural size enlargements from Pan F Plus negatives show an outstanding range of tone and detail when the film is carefully exposed and processed. For scientific, technical and copying applications, Pan F Plus can be developed to a higher contrast.

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